Exploring human demand on the earth's ecosystem
Working with young people, 2010 – ongoing
Speakgreen is a Cape Farewell Education project which helps young people explore the human demand on the earth’s ecosystem, focusing on the effects of climate change in the East Midlands and in particular in Lincolnshire. The project supports young people to take challenging and creative action in their local environment now and for the future.
The first phase of the project focuses on the effects of climate change in Lincolnshire, with Cape Farewell Education working in partnership with The Mighty Creatives in Leicester setting up Green Teams in a linked network of Lincolnshire schools. Green Teams investigate aspects of climate change in the region, initiate creative and scientific projects, and build links to local artists, scientists and journalists.
The primary goal of speakgreen is to provide opportunities for leadership and participation in issues of climate change among young people. The project involves the whole school and its immediate community, working closely with participating schools to deliver core educational goals inside and outside the curriculum, within the focus on climate change. Find out more about the project and how you can get involved on the website.